A Hardware Wallet - A Necessity!

So you have your crypto, and you don't want to leave it on an exchange, because that would be stupid. So, where can you put it? There are many good wallet options, software and hardware, but I would really recommend a hardware wallet.
Software wallets are good, but they're not as safe as hardware wallets. They're more likely to be targeted by hackers, and many people have had their software wallets drained.
Usually down to their own negligence, to be fair, but the sophistication of these hackers makes it a very real possibility. So, getting a hardware wallet is a no brainer really. But which is the best hardware wallet on the market?
Well there are a few on the market, but I'll do a quick review of the two biggest sellers.

Ledger Nano S

The Ledger Nano S is a popular hardware wallet that supports many different cryptocurrencies. It gives users high security for their cryptocurrencies and tokens, and has an easy to use interface. 

It's got a sleek design to it with a polished metal cover, and the security is pretty robust. You are given a seed phrase in case you ever lose it, and if you do, you just type your seed phrase into a new device and it'll bring up your crypto accounts.
It holds many different cryptocurrencies, and at $59 it is well worth the money. For a more in depth review, I recommend this article. It's a good honest review and goes into more detail.

Trezor Hardware Wallet

The Trezor Hardware wallet is the best selling hardware wallet going. It is the original hardware wallet brand, too, and comes highly recommended by myself and many others.

The Trezor is a bit of a smaller interface than the Ledger, and can be hard to read, if I am going to be critical, but saying that, its only a minor problem, and it wouldn't put me off buying one.

Ranging from $40 upwards the Trezor is a bargain and it now allows you to trade within the wallet. There's a bridge to exchanges, and let's say you have some ETH but you want BTC. Instead of sending it to an exchange, your Trezor will look for the best deal for you, and trade on your say so, and take out the ETH and put in the BTC.

Similar to the ledger it is very secure, and offers a back up seed phrase if you should lose it. Again, it offers many different crypto options, but probably not as many as the Ledger. But there's no point in buying shitcoins anyway, and it holds all the best coins. For a full review, check this out...

Which is The Best Hardware Wallet?

There really isn't anything between them, but if I am going to be pushed, I would say the Trezor is slightly better. Maybe it's the brand reputation, but seriously, if you buy either, you are securing your cryptos in the most secure of ways.

Whichever you do buy, and why not both? After all, keeping everything in two vaults is better than one. Anyway, whichever one you do buy, I really believe it will give you peace of mind.
Have you got a hardware wallet? Which one? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.